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  • Statement of Non-Representation of Government

We are not a government department, body or agency


Disability Services Support Coordination warrants that no affiliation, connection or representation shall be deemed or construed by any person or organisation by way of associating Disability Services Support Coordination to any government department, agency or body of the Commonwealth of Australia or any of its states or territories.

Disability Services Support Coordination is a private business with no connection to government, other than what is required by our business in order to provide you with a service or where legally required to receive or provide information from or to the relevant department, agency or body of the Commonwealth of Australia or any of its states or territories, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth).

All representations and information provide on this website related to government departments, agencies or bodies are done so in accordance with publicly available information provided by the relevant departments, agencies or bodies of government. Information should not be relied upon as being up to date and you should always check from official government sources when considering any information contained within this site.

Disability Services Support Coordination is not and will not be party to the creation of, or connection to, a partnership, joint venture or other affiliation between Disability Services Support Coordination and any government departments, agencies or bodies unless legally required to do so under relevant regulation or legislation or to enable us to provide services to you.

You will always be informed of which government department, agencies or bodies we communicate or share information with about you.

By using this website you acknowledge, understand and attest that Disability Services Support Coordination is not a government department, agency or body and is a privately operated business.

If you are unable to accept the full terms of this statement for any reason, please discontinue use of this website and seek independent advice before proceeding.

Disability Services Support Coordination is compliant with all relevant regulations and legislation.

For more information, please see our privacy policy and terms of use or contact us.